Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc


I write things you can read! If you want to!

Blau's Skyrim Mod List: April 2024

Categories: [Video Games], [Skyrim]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted April 13, 2024. It has been copied as-is; I have not checked to confirm if the mods listed below are still listed.

Watching a friend play with some new mods that made the game look like an entirely different thing made me want to play again. Making a mod list last time ended up being super helpful for me because I had to purge all of my mods and fresh install Skyrim this time, so now that my mods are mostly settled, I wanted to make another list.

Current save is Anxul-Xei, an Argonian mage, focusing on the magic schools, Speech, Alchemy, and Enchanting. Playing primarily in third person, which is very new for me in Skyrim. Sorted by Nexus / Vortex category (mostly). Mods common to my old mod list have just been copy-pasted over to save time.

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Blau's Skyrim Mod List: June 2023

Categories: [From Cohost], [Video Games], [Skyrim]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted June 19, 2023. It has been copied as-is; I have not checked to confirm if the mods listed below are still listed.

Mostly just making this so I can share with my friends, but these are the mods I'm using on my current save. Maybe you'll find something new!

My current save character is Harrava - a Khajiit mage. Her skills focus on Illusion, Restoration, Conjuration, Enchanting, Alchemy, Archery, and Sneak. (If you want to know more about Harrava, I have a tag for her; I plan on writing more about her on my main account)1

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Fixing Issues With Skyrim Mods - (or, I broke horses, then fixed them)

Categories: [I Broke It (Then Fixed It)], [Video Games], [Skyrim]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted June 19, 2023.

Well, specifically, some issues that I've run into with my latest save.

I was intending this to be a more broad overview of some cool tools I found while fixing something, but it's a bit hard to talk about them without talking about why I needed them. They aren't exclusive to the problem I was having so I hope these are able to help you!

I want to emphasize: It's generally a really bad idea to uninstall mods mid-playthrough. But, sometimes you run into issues, and you gotta.

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Warframe: Shrine Defense is pretty neat

Categories: [Video Games], [Warframe]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

A couple of days ago, Warframe released their Koumei and the Five Fates update. With it, of course, is Koumei, the new mission type to farm for her and her weapons (Shrine Defense), and a lot of new features (Companion rework part 2!) and bug fixes (seriously, check out the patch notes for the initial update and the two currently live hotfixes, 37.0.1 and 37.0.2).

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